Investing In Your Education & Training

by Donna Ragland

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Investing In Your Education & Training

When I started my journey to having an online
business one of the first things I realized
was that I honestly didn’t know what the heck
it was really about. Nor did I know what I was
doing or supposed to be doing.

And I’m still learning every day…

Building a serious online business takes some
know-how and the best investment you can make
with your business is to learn as much as you
can about it.

One of the best ways I know how to do that is to
listen to and learn from those who are achieving
success with their business today.

I don’t know about you but I absolutely love to
hear what successful people say has worked for them.
Just getting one great piece of information or a
small tip may help move the business forward.

I think it’s important to conduct your own research
to find out who’s in the know in your own niche.
Read and absorb as much information as possible
to expand your business area knowledge.

Andrew Carnegie sums this up very well with the
following quote:

“I believe that the true road to preeminent
success in any line is to make yourself master
of that line.”

Sometimes the information you need is available
for free and other times it may require spending
some money. But either way there will be some
type of investment required whether it be your
time or your money or both.

The important thing to keep in mind is to continue
to invest in yourself by getting the education and
training needed for business development and growth.

Focus & Momentum

Have you heard the story of the three frogs sitting
on a log?

One frog decides to jump off….how many are left?

Take a minute now to think again before you answer…

Of course, the answer is ‘three’. Just because the
frog decided to jump doesn’t mean he did does it?

Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet! Remember to
take action this week and don’t let your business
just sit on a log (smile)…


To Your Business Success,

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Please post below…


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