Are You Really Doing What It Takes?

Whatever It Takes! by Donna Ragland

Have you ever set a goal only to find you come up short in achieving it?

Ever wonder why that happens?

Recently, I found myself wondering about this very thing.

In January I set a goal to increase my list size by 3,000 before the end of April.

So, did I meet the goal?

Nope, I sure didn’t…

But on the positive side, I did get a little more than 1,000 subscribers added to my list. And yes, I’m very happy with that!

But still, I set a goal for 3,000 and didn’t meet it.

Does that ever happen to you? Do you set goals and then keep missing the mark?

It can be quite discouraging, wouldn’t you agree?

I could list the many reasons why it didn’t happen, and I’ve taken that approach before.

But this time I decided to evaluate what was going on when I got it right.

And this is what I discovered…

When I got really focused on the goal and kept asking how I could make it happen, that’s when I had forward movement.

During those times of intense focus, I got into a state of mind where I just had to get the work done, no matter what.  I was driven to make decisions and take action!

It was exciting and I was energized to the max!

And during those times when I lost focus, days and weeks would go by without having any forward movement at all.

Holy mackerel how could that happen?

So much wasted time and of course it hampered efforts towards reaching the goal.

Is it just me or have you ever noticed this about your own business activities?

The realization hit me that I wasn’t doing ‘whatever it takes’ on a consistent basis.

When I was in the zone I did very well, in fact it was really awesome!

I realized I need to be in that ‘state of mind’ all the time in order to keep moving forward and pushing, not just muddling through, but truly pushing forward without question because it’s that important and nothing will stop me!

Now I don’t consider myself lazy, but that’s what it felt like recently when I wasn’t focused and driving towards results.

What was missing was a lack of drive and not doing whatever it took to reach the goal.

I think this quote by Vince Lombardi Jr. helps explain it better:

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”

So vowing to stay in that ‘state of mind’ I have placed a daily reminder on my wall to do ‘whatever it takes’ (see picture above – I’m not an artist by any stretch LOL, but it works!).

If you’ve read this far and have little thoughts popping into your head on this topic I’d really enjoy hearing from you in the comment section below…

What drives you? What are you willing to do to achieve the goal?

Are you just muddling along, or are you really doing whatever it takes?

Keepin’ It Real and Still On The Journey! 🙂



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