What’s Your Get Up and Go for 2013?

Hey Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope 2012 was a successful year for you and that you are moving forward to even greater success in this exciting New Year!

Can you believe it – over half of January is already behind us!

So, the big question for this time of year is “Have you reviewed last year and set new goals for this year?

It’s a standard routine, I know, but it’s very important. If you don’t know where you’re going how will you know when you get there?

Along with setting goals it’s also important to write your goals down.

“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.”
-Brian Tracy

A few years ago I learned a valuable lesson about the power of written goals.

During a training course I was asked to complete a list of things I would like to have, which I did but didn’t really think much of it at the time. The course ended and I put the training materials and my ‘wish list’ away in a file.

More than a year later I ran across that list. Two big items on the list were a piano and an organ. I was totally shocked because both of those items came into my possession within a few months after having completed that list!

Now I know that just because you write something down doesn’t mean it will magically appear every time. But I do think there is a lesson here that writing goals down sets things in motion and creates a better chance of success. . . just my two cents.

So on to goals for 2013…

What’s going to get you up and going this year? What goals have you set for your business in the next few months?

Remember to write them down! 🙂

Here’s a thought – if you comment below on what your goals are you will have them written down (smile)!

Besides, I’m excited to hear what you will be working on!

And as an added benefit for those who comment, I will help you work on a plan to move your business forward.

Let’s make 2013 an exciting and prosperous new year!

Keepin’ It Fresh in 2013,


P.S.  My get up and go is to increase my list size by at least 3,000 before the end of April.  What’s your get up and go going to be? Go ahead and leave a comment below and fill me in on what you’ll be up to so I can help you with a plan 🙂

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